Talk about some entertainment! Got my blanket and my bear...thats all I need!
Chris got out the ruler! We got 7 inches!
I Love this white stuff!! What is it?
Hands very very cold...ready to go in Mom!!
Very first experience eating with a fork! Skills are not so great yet!
Just a cute picture of Jenner- ready to go "Bye Bye"
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Jenner Loves the Pots and Pans cabinet!
He gets them all out and puts them all back in! It's crazy how he cleans up after himself!
Fashionable little man!
Mom...Where's all the snow???
Pajamas and a toboggan..who would have thought they could be so cute together??
Watch OUT! Look who's driving!!!
We went to the Children's Museuem with Abby and Mimi last week! So much fun!
Jenner played until he couldn't stand up anymore! This is a great way to get an AWESOME afternoon nap!
Loved the John Deer "tractor-cycle"
Playing with water is so FUN!
Mimi came over last week while Abby got a mini "Mother's Day Out"...we had so much fun! Whew...definately not ready for baby # 2! There was not a dull moment all day long! These babies are busy busy busy!
If only it was warm enough to go outside!!! Instead, we settled on an indoor wagon ride!
Mimi loves all Jenners animals! She even took one home to take care of for a little while!