Sunday, June 14, 2009

I swear, Jenner gets the camera shoved in his face so often that he automatically smiles now when I get it out!!! He is such a ham!! He is 7 months old now!

A few nights ago- I was getting ready to go to bed.. It was about 1am and I had been working around the house etc. Well, I always check the monitor right before I go to sleep- and this is what I found!! Jenner was sitting straight up in his bed watching his aquarium! This is the first time for him to sit up all by himself! I'm so glad we got a picture!

Last weekend Jenner got to spend alot of time with some of his "aunts"~ we had so much fun and were so glad Lauren and Brooke came in town for a special girls weekend!

1 comment:

Emily said...

How cute that you caught him sitting up watching his aquarium. That is adorable!!! Annabelle LOVED her aquarium for the longest time. It was one of the best baby gifts we received! Your house is decorated so cute...I need you to help me with mine! :)